Results for 'Boris Osvaldo Saavedra Pérez'

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  1.  7
    El cuerpo humano como mercancía pornográfica en La sociedad de la transparencia.Boris Osvaldo Saavedra Pérez - 2024 - Metanoia 9 (1):92-111.
    El presente artículo realiza un análisis filosófico de la concepción del cuerpo humano, entendido como mercancía pornográfica en La sociedad de la transparencia de Byung-Chul Han, quien advierte cómo la intimidad ha sido afectada debido a la fetichización de la sobreexposición, lo que se evidencia principalmente en la desnudez del cuerpo como efecto de la influencia de lo pornográfico. De ahí que, como objetivo general, se expondrá el proceso de profanación estético-antropológico que ha sufrido el cuerpo humano en la tardomodernidad, (...)
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    Análisis del tecnicismo cientificista moderno a través del existencialismo de William Barrett.Boris Saavedra Pérez - 2023 - Revista de Filosofia: Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción 22 (2):279-288.
    En el siguiente ensayo se realiza un análisis crítico del tecnicismo cientificista surgido en la modernidad, a través del pensamiento existencialista de William Barrett, quien se destaca por ser uno de los principales promotores del existencialismo en Norteamérica. Con esto, Barrett pretendía contrarrestar el auge del saber tecnocientífico que se encontraba influenciando de manera negativa en la filosofía norteamericana y, además, en la religión; provocando un tránsito de la fe religiosa a la fe centrada en la técnica-tecnología, lo que ocasiona (...)
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    Filosofía de la inactividad: sobre la noción de vida contemplativa en Tomás de Aquino y Byung-Chul Han.Boris Saavedra Pérez - 2024 - Revista de Filosofia: Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción 23 (1):235-248.
    En el siguiente artículo se formulan algunas indagaciones en torno a la noción de vida contemplativa como filosofía de la inactividad dentro del pensamiento de Byung-Chul Han, tomando como referencia a Tomás de Aquino, con el objetivo de destacar la vigencia del pensamiento tomista y valorar su innegable influencia en la historia de la filosofía. Asimismo, se busca proponer cómo la vida contemplativa es el fin de la vida humana, logrando integrar, además, un vínculo con el reposo festivo, que es (...)
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    Self-Managed 5G Networks 1.Jorge Martín-Pérez, Lina Magoula, Kiril Antevski, Carlos Guimarães, Jorge Baranda, Carla Fabiana Chiasserini, Andrea Sgambelluri, Chrysa Papagianni, Andrés García-Saavedra, Ricardo Martínez, Francesco Paolucci, Sokratis Barmpounakis, Luca Valcarenghi, Claudio EttoreCasetti, Xi Li, Carlos J. Bernardos, Danny De Vleeschauwer, Koen De Schepper, Panagiotis Kontopoulos, Nikolaos Koursioumpas, Corrado Puligheddu, Josep Mangues-Bafalluy & Engin Zeydan - 2021 - In Ahmad Alnafessah, Gabriele Russo Russo, Valeria Cardellini, Giuliano Casale & Francesco Lo Presti (eds.), Communication Networks and Service Management in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Wiley. pp. 69-100.
    Meeting 5G high bandwidth rates, ultra-low latencies, and high reliabilities requires of network infrastructures that automatically increase/decrease the resources based on their customers’ demand. An autonomous and dynamic management of a 5G network infrastructure represents a challenge, as any solution must account for the radio access network, data plane traffic, wavelength allocation, network slicing, and network functions’ orchestration. Furthermore, federation among administrative domains (ADs) must be considered in the network management. Given the increased dynamicity of 5G networks, artificial intelligence/machine learning (...)
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    Comunidades de aprendizaje en Red.Katiuska Azólas Pérez, Alejandra Saavedra González & Mauricio Ubilla Riquelme - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (1):1-13.
    La sostenibilidad implica una nueva forma de comprender el mundo y organizar las relaciones. Nutrida en valores que se dirigen al equilibrio y desarrollo humano, instala la necesidad de actualizar los modelos educativos en Educación Superior y constituirse en aporte al desarrollo sostenible. En ese contexto, la universidad Bernardo O’Higgins, considera necesario compilar aquellas fortalezas del socioconstructivismo y el modelo dialógico, como formas de relación en y para el aprendizaje en comunidad. Fortaleciendo el análisis de la formación integral desde un (...)
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    Tractable query answering and rewriting under description logic constraints.Héctor Pérez-Urbina, Boris Motik & Ian Horrocks - 2010 - Journal of Applied Logic 8 (2):186-209.
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    Evaluation of medical ethics competencies in rheumatology: local experience during national accreditation process.Virginia Pascual-Ramos, Irazú Contreras-Yáñez, Cesar Alejandro Arce Salinas, Miguel Angel Saavedra Salinas, Mónica Vázquez del Mercado Del Mercado, Judith López Zepeda, Sandra Muñoz López, Janitzia Vázquez-Mellado, Luis Manuel Amezcua Guerra, Hilda Esther Fragoso Loyo, Miguel Angel Villarreal Alarcón, Mario Pérez Cristobal, Eugenia Nadina Rubio Pérez, Alfonso Ragnar Torres Jiménez, María del Rocio Maldonado & Everardo Álvarez-Hernández - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (12):839-842.
    IntroductionRheumatologists are the primary healthcare professionals responsible for patients with rheumatic diseases and should acquire medical ethical competencies, such as the informed consent process (ICP). The objective clinical structured examination is a valuable tool for assessing clinical competencies. We report the performance of 90 rheumatologist trainees participating in a station designed to evaluate the ICP during the 2018 and 2019 national accreditations.MethodsThe station was validated and represented a medical encounter in which the rheumatologist informed a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus (...)
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    Camilo Alfonso LÓPEZ SAAVEDRA, La dimensión cosmoteándrica de la muerte. Buddhismo y cristianismo en diálogo, Herder, Barcelona 2023, 216 p. ISBN 9788425450136. [REVIEW]Boris Briones Soto - 2023 - Teología y Vida 64 (2):281-283.
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    El «ethos» barroco y el pensamiento crítico sobre la razón de Estado en el Barroco hispano.José Antonio Pérez Tapias - 2022 - Pensamiento 78 (300):1391-1412.
    A modo de hipótesis de partida, este texto cuenta como supuesto con que en el pensamiento político de Suárez, de Gracián y de Saavedra Fajardo encontramos pistas suficientes para sostener que pueden entenderse como exponentes de un ethos barroco con perfil de ethos de resistencia. Si ello es así, podemos decir que en el barroco hispano encontramos, salvando las distancias, algunos elementos, especialmente sobre la razón de Estado, que permiten ver en él lo que se presentó por el filósofo (...)
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    Evocación y semblanza de Osvaldo Guariglia.Samuel M. Cabanchik - 2016 - Análisis Filosófico 36 (2):303-305.
    En Sentir, desear, creer: Una aproximación filosófica a los conceptos psicológicos, Diana Pérez se plantea una empresa ambiciosa, análoga a la de Ryle en The Concept of Mind: dar cuenta de manera integral de la ontología, la epistemología, la semántica y, en parte, la psicología de los conceptos de los diversos estados y procesos psicológicos. La aportación principal consiste en una perspectiva genealógica, basada en el modo en que se atribuyen tales conceptos, desde una posición realista. Para ello, se (...)
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  11. Modality and Explanatory Reasoning.Boris Christian Kment - 2014 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Boris Kment takes a new approach to the study of modality that emphasises the origin of modal notions in everyday thought. He argues that the concepts of necessity and possibility originate in counterfactual reasoning, which allows us to investigate explanatory connections. Contrary to accepted views, explanation is more fundamental than modality.
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    Spodbuda k filozofiji.Boris Šinigoj - 2006 - Ljubljana: KUD Logos.
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    Salud Sexual y Reproductiva en Estudiantes Universitarios.¿ Modo y Estilo de Vida Saludables?, Un diagnóstico.Lázaro González Pérez, Norma González Lucas, Magalys Mena Fernández, Amparo Navarro Padrón & Xiomara Martín Linares - 2003 - Humanidades Médicas 3 (1):0-0.
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  14. Una puerta abierta a la esperanza.José Lucas Tejera Perez - 2001 - Verdad y Vida 59 (232):563-574.
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    Differential changes in self-reported aspects of interoceptive awareness through 3 months of contemplative training.Boris Bornemann, Beate M. Herbert, Wolf E. Mehling & Tania Singer - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  16.  89
    Analytic Philosophy in Latin America (2nd edition).Diana I. Pérez & Santiago Echeverri - 2023 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Analytic philosophy was introduced in Latin America in the mid-twentieth century. Its development has been heterogeneous in different countries of the region but has today reached a considerable degree of maturity and originality, with a strong community working within the analytic tradition in Latin America. This entry describes the historical development of analytic philosophy in Latin America and offers some examples of original contributions by Latin American analytic philosophers.
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  17. What to do about science “misconceptions”.Daniel Gil‐Perez & Jaime Carrascosa - 1990 - Science Education 74 (5):531-540.
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    David Bohm, Cjelovitost i implicitni red.Boris Kožnjak - 2010 - Prolegomena 9 (2):337-341.
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  19. Gnoseologicheskai︠a︡ priroda literatury.Boris Grigorʹevich Kublanova - 1958
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  20. The Four Causes.Boris Hennig - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy 106 (3):137-160.
    I will argue that Aristotle’s fourfold division of four causes naturally arises from a combination of two distinctions (a) between things and changes, and (b) between that which potentially is something and what it potentially is. Within this scheme, what is usually called the “efficient cause” is something that potentially is a certain natural change, and the “final cause” is, at least in a basic sense, what the efficient cause potentially is. I will further argue that the essences of things (...)
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  21.  26
    Violations of expectation trigger infants to search for explanations.Jasmin Perez & Lisa Feigenson - 2022 - Cognition 218 (C):104942.
  22.  24
    Social Cognition and the Second Person in Human Interaction.Diana I. Pérez & Antoni Gomila - 2021 - London and New York: Routledge.
    This book is a unique exploration of the idea of the "second person" in human interaction, the idea that face-to-face interactions involve a distinctive form of reciprocal mental state attributions that mediates their dynamical unfolding. Challenging the view of mental attribution as a sort of "theory of mind", Pérez and Gomila argue that the second person perspective of mental understanding is the conceptually, ontogenetically, and phylogenetically basic way of understanding mentality. Second person interaction provides the opportunity for the acquisition (...)
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  23.  51
    Tuberculosis en América Latina y el Caribe: reflexiones desde la bioética.Agueda Muñoz del Carpio-Toia, Héctor Sánchez, Claude Vergès de López, María Angélica Sotomayor, Luis López Dávila & Patricia Sorokin - 2019 - Persona y Bioética 22 (2):331-357.
    Tuberculosis en América Latina y el Caribe: reflexiones desde la bioética Tuberculose na América Latina e no Caribe: reflexões da bioética The objective of this article is to analyze the conditions of access to health services by people with tuberculosis in Latin America and the Caribbean, reflecting on the public health aspects involved from a bioethical perspective. A literature review of the context of tuberculosis in LAC based on epidemiological data was performed. The results were analyzed from its relationship with (...)
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  24.  15
    Principles of human—computer collaboration for knowledge discovery in science.Raúl E. Valdés-Pérez - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 107 (2):335-346.
  25.  30
    Juan Fernando Sellés, Los filósofos y los sentimientos.Juliana Peiró Pérez - 2011 - Studia Poliana:221-223.
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  26. Sobre la impotencia de la libertad.Natalia Sofía García Pérez - 2008 - Studium 14:41-64.
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  27. Disposition.Boris Hennig - 2010 - In Hans Jörg Sandkühler & Others (eds.), Enzyklopädie Philosophie. Meiner Verlag.
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  28. Die'impii'. Melchior Canos Auseinandersetzung mit den Reformatoren in De locis theologicis.Boris Hogenmüller - 2010 - Theologie Und Philosophie 85 (4):501.
    Lange Zeit wurde in der modernen Forschung die These vertreten, dass der Dominikanertheologe Melchior Cano , dessen Werk de locis theologicis die wohl erste moderne fundamentaltheologische Schrift darstellt, aus der subjektiven Sicht der Gegenreformation ohne Autopsie der reformatorischen Schriften gegen die sich verbreitenden Ansichten der Lutheraner argumentierte. Dass sich eine derartige These in den loci nicht verifizieren lässt, möchte die vorliegende Untersuchung herausstellen.For quite an amount of time modern researchers argued that the Dominican theologian Melchior Cano - his most famous (...)
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    (1 other version)Los derechos de la era tecnológica en la obra de Vittorio Frosini.Luño Antonio-Enrique Pérez - 1992 - Theoria 7 (1/2/3):1101-1113.
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  30. Menos que mujeres: los discursos normativos del cuerpo a través del feminismo y la discapacidad.Melania Moscoso Pérez - 2007 - In Jesús Arpal Poblador & Ignacio Mendiola (eds.), Estudios sobre cuerpo, tecnología y cultura. Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco.
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  31. Historicismo, nacionalismo E idealismo. Tres variaciones sobre un tema de Wilhelm Von humboldt.Jorge Navarro Pérez - forthcoming - Res Publica.
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  32. Uwagi do przekładów Shakespeare'a.Boris Pasternak - 2011 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 3 (18).
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    Ciências cognitivas X Cibernética: uma genealogia conturbada.Cirene Perez - 1997 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 1 (1):169-176.
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    Cine y mitología: de las religiones a los argumentos universales.Héctor Pérez - 2013 - Bern: Peter Lang.
    Introducción a la comprensión del mito -- Los orígenes de la tradición mitológica occidental -- Poética de las tradiciones narrativas -- La recepción del mito en la cultura audiovisual contemporánea -- Los argumentos universales -- Los argumentos universales (II): el viaje a un planeta desconocido.
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  35. Documentaciôn agustiniana en el convento de Santo Domingo de Buenos Aires.Emiliano Sanchez Perez - 2005 - Revista Agustiniana 140:357-412.
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    When is the Promotion of Prenatal Testing for Selective Abortion Wrong?Javiera Perez Gomez - 2020 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 30 (1):71-109.
    Medical professionals routinely offer prenatal genetic testing services to their expecting patients. In theory, this testing helps expecting parents better prepare for the birth of their child: e.g., if the child will have a disability. In practice, however, such testing often leads to the termination of pregnancies that would produce a child who has a disability. Some bioethicists believe that in light of our society’s history of poor treatment of people who have disabilities, when expecting parents use prenatal testing for (...)
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    Scientific discourse and the rhetoric of globalization: the impact of culture and language.Carmen Pérez-Llantada - 2012 - New York: Continuum.
    The role of science rhetoric in the global village -- Scientific English in the postmodern age -- Problematizing the rhetoric of contemporary science -- A contrastive rhetoric approach to science dissemination -- Disciplinary practices and procedures within research sites -- Triangulating procedures, practices and texts in scientific discourse -- ELF and a more complex sociolinguistic landscape -- Re-defining the rhetoric of science.
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  38. Ambition, Modesty, and Performative Inconsistency.Boris Rähme - 2017 - In Jens Peter Brune, Robert Stern & Micha H. Werner (eds.), Transcendental Arguments in Moral Theory. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 25-45.
    This chapter argues that the distinction between ambitious and modest transcendental arguments, developed and deployed by various authors in the wake of Stroud’s influential critique of transcendental reasoning, may be pointless when applied to transcendental arguments from performative inconsistency that have moral statements as their conclusions. If moral truth is assertorically constrained, then any modest moral transcendental argument from performative inconsistency can be converted into an ambitious moral transcendental argument. The chapter provides an account of performative inconsistency and suggests an (...)
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    The Ranking Argument – Challenging Favourable Comparative Rhetoric about Animal Welfare Law.Christian Rodriguez Perez, Nico Dario Müller, Kirsten Persson & David M. Shaw - 2023 - Leoh - Journal of Animal Law, Ethics and One Health 1.
    This article captures and critiques a recurring and prominent political argument against animal welfare improvements in Switzerland which we term the “ranking argument”. This states that Swiss animal welfare law ranks among the strictest in the world, therefore no improvements are called for. This argument was advanced three times by Swiss government authorities in 2022 alone, but also in a case dating back to 1984, to advise the electorate on popular initiatives aiming at animal welfare improvements. We argue that, while (...)
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  40.  65
    Are Frege’s Thoughts Fregean Propositions?Eduardo Pérez-Navarro - 2020 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 97 (2):223-244.
    One of the most pressing issues in contemporary semantics is whether propositions are structured entities that should be individuated in terms of their components or, contrarily, they lack structure and should be individuated in terms of their inferential relations. Another one is whether propositions should always contain all the information that is needed to deem them true or false—whether they should always be Fregean propositions. The latter debate might seem to presuppose a certain position in the former. However, it is (...)
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    Generic existence of mad families.Osvaldo Guzmán-gonzález, Michael Hrušák, Carlos Azarel Martínez-Ranero & Ulises Ariet Ramos-garcía - 2017 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 82 (1):303-316.
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    Kuhn Meets Maslow: The Psychology Behind Scientific Revolutions.Boris Kožnjak - 2017 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 48 (2):257-287.
    In this paper, I offer a detailed reconstruction and a critical analysis of Abraham Maslow’s neglected psychological reading of Thomas Kuhn’s famous dichotomy between ‘normal’ and ‘revolutionary’ science, which Maslow briefly expounded four years after the first edition of Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, in his small book The Psychology of Science: A Reconnaissance, and which relies heavily on his extensive earlier general writing in the motivational and personality psychology. Maslow’s Kuhnian ideas, put forward as part of a larger (...)
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  43. Phenomenal concepts, color experience, and Mary's puzzle.Diana I. Pérez - 2011 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy (3):113-133.
    The aim of this paper is to analyze the relationship between phenomenal experience and our folk conceptualization of it. I will focus on the phenomenal concept strategy as an answer to Mary's puzzle. In the first part I present Mary's argument and the phenomenal concept strategy. In the second part I explain the requirements phenomenal concepts should satisfy in order to solve Mary's puzzle. In the third part I present various accounts of what a phenomenal concept is, and I show (...)
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    Aisthesis: Revista Chilena de Investigaciones Estéticas. 50 años de trayectoria.Margarita Alvarado Pérez - 2016 - Aisthesis 60:223-224.
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    Karl Marx. His Ideas and Doings will Live Centuries. Part II.Boris Bessonov - 2018 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 4:62-79.
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    Target Approval Delays Cost Air Force Key Hits.Boris Kashnikov - 2002 - Journal of Military Ethics 1 (2):125-127.
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  47. The Exploitation of Industrial Workers in Their Homes.Eileen Boris - 1987 - Business and Society Review 62:27-30.
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    The Fate of Care Worker Unionism and the Promise of Domestic Worker Organizing: An Update.Eileen Boris & Jennifer Klein - 2014 - Feminist Studies 40 (2):473-479.
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    Population Problems in the Contemporary World.Boris Ourlanis - 1979 - Diogenes 27 (107):109-119.
    Earthly civilization has now entered a phase of development which requires urgent need of imagination to discern its eventual evolution.Demographic problems occupy a considerable place in global development. Numerous authors interested in the future of the planet have referred to the important factor of population increase. Nevertheless their attitudes toward demographic problems, the manner in which they conceive their own roles, their forecasts are all diverse and reflect a wide range of ideas from serene optimism to nihilistic pessimism.
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    Ο Διάδοχος Φωτικής και η θεωρία περί της αρετής.Boris B. Brajović - 2006 - Philotheos 6:181-202.
    In the virtue ethics of Diadochus Photice, the notion of self-rule (αὐτεξούσιον) is of paramount importance for the creative progress in one’s moral perfection. With the proper use of self-rule man can escape sin and turn himself to love. In addition, Diadochus also uses the notion of apatheia (ἀπάθεια) to indicate the way for a successful cleansing (κάθαρσις) of the soul, so that with this cleansing man can grasp the logoi (λόγοι) of beings. According to Diadochus Photice, virtue ethics must (...)
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